Februs 24 photo fantasy ‘Fit for the Deed’.
Promotion – and so soon! Trinda McGarrett hugged herself and smiled as she sat waiting for the health studio’s Manager to keep their appointment. At last her superior arrived and Trinda stood to greet her with a smile. It was not returned – but then Ms Morris was a busy woman and there were obviously serious matters to be discussed.
‘Trinda, you have been with us for just over six months and, having started well, I now find you giving us grounds for concern. ’ Trinda flinched at her words. This was completely unexpected. Her silence was interpreted as insolence. ‘It was clearly explained to you at interview that preference was generally given to candidates with a background in sports. It was your general physical fitness that swayed us in your favour but according to our records you haven’t worked out in the last nine weeks.’
‘You either agree to start a strict regime immediately to rectify the situation or you leave our company’. Trinda was starting to understand why Ms Morris had acquired a reputation with colleagues as a disciplinarian…
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