Here are the details of the birthday spanking survey that 100′s of people filled out. A lot of people like these so underneath the results there is a new fun one for you.
1) What was the spanking given on?
Fully clothed: Men 32% Women 45% …… Panties/Underwear: Men 22% Women 30% ……. Bare Bottom: Men 47% Women 24%.
Interesting that double the amount of men got it on the bare.
2) How hard was the spanking?
Playful: Men 9% Women 11% ….. Good Sting: Men 38% Women 29% ….. Hard: Men 27% Women 43% ….. Very hard: Men 26% Women 17%.
Six out of ten women got it hard or very hard, while only five out of ten men did.
3) Was anybody else present?
Men: Yes 53% No 47% ….. Women: Yes 69% No 31%.
As you can see, far more women had their spankings witnessed than the men did.
4) Was the spanking otk?
Men: Yes 80% No 20% ….. Women: Yes 80% No 20%.
That one goes across the board, four out of five people go over the knee for their birthday spanking.
5) How many spanks did you get?
One per year plus one to grow on: Men 43% Women 47% ….. More than one per year: Men 44% Women 38% ….. It was a proper spanking: Men 13% Women 15%.
So finally that one was pretty even as well, very few people got a real spanking, though a good portion got more than they should have
So, if you like to do these surveys, here is another fun fantasy one for you. Fill it out as many times as you want. I will give you more results on other surveys soon.